Now Available at ALIAS Books east – the WOMEN group issue 2

Purchase your very own copy at ALIAS Books east– 3163 Glendale Blvd., Atwater, Los Angeles, CA. 90039 

the WOMEN group issue 2

the WOMEN group issue 2

issue 2

the WOMEN group issue 2


Dylan Doren

Michael Nhat

dr. honeybud

Jessica Bloom


Nicole Baudouin

The Little Red Writer

Calvin Atwood

Emma Koffroth

Didi Lizette

Linda Dou

Joshua Crampton

Arron Howell

Maestro Gamin

Doug Cox

Holly Gallo


Peter Frankenstein

Dylan Haley

Ashlie Chavez

THE OFFICIAL RELEASE of the WOMEN group issue 2

January 25, 2013 @ Alias Books East– 3163 Glendale Blvd., Atwater, Los Angeles, CA. 90039